How many sounds (phonemes) do you think there are in the word ‘half’?
How many sounds (phonemes) do you think there are in the word ‘love’?
How many sounds (phonemes) do you think there are in the word ‘ought’?
How many sounds (phonemes) do you think there are in the word ‘shrink’?
How many sounds (phonemes) do you think there are in the word ‘wrist’?
Put a tick on three different names that have been used for the accent usually used for teaching the pronunciation of British English.
BBC (BBC Pronunciation)
BI (British Isles)
GA (General American)
The word ‘at’ has weak form when ………?
check_box used in the middle of utterance
Used as an preposition
used at the initial of utterance
used in final position
The word ‘her’ has weak form when ………?
check_box used with a possessive sense, preceding a noun
Used as an subject pronoun
used in a relative clause
used with a possessive sense
The word ‘some’ has weak form when ………?
check_box used before uncountable nouns and before other nouns in the plural
Its meaning is “an unknown individual”
occurs before a countable noun
used before uncountable nouns
The word ‘that’ has weak form when ………?
check_box used in a relative clause
used in a relative clause and with a demonstrative sense
Used in an exclamation
used with a demonstrative sense
What is the difference between accent and dialect?
Accent is a part of a dialect, while Dialect is a part of a language.
Accent is associated with socioeconomic background and status, while Dialect is mainly associated with the geographical location.
Accent is concerned only with pronunciation differences, while dialect refers to all language variation including grammatical and lexical factors.
Accent is concerned only with pronunciation differences, while dialect refers to all language variation including grammatical factors.
What is true about maximal onsets principle?
check_box This principle states that where two syllables are to be divided, any consonants between them should be attached to the right-hand syllable, not the left, as far as possible.
This principle states that where two syllables are to be divided, any consonants between them should be attached to the left-hand syllable, as far as possible.
This principle states that where two syllables are to be divided, any consonants between them should be attached to the next left-hand syllable.
This principle states that where two syllables are to be divided, any consonants between them should be attached to the next right-hand syllable.
What will we call a syllable if there is no final consonant?
consonant cluster
zero coda
zero onset
When the vocal tract is in its resting position for normal breathing, the soft palate is usually lowered.Which one is the best description of the movements which are carried out by the soft palate in the pronunciation of words ‘angle’?
The soft palace lowered for the æ vowel, then raised for ŋ. It is then raised for the ɡ plosive and remains raised for l.
The soft palace raised for the æ vowel, then lowered for ŋ. It is then lowered for the ɡ plosive and remains raised for l.
The soft palace raised for the æ vowel, then lowered for ŋ. It is then raised for the ɡ plosive and remains raised for l.
The soft palace remains for the æ vowel, then raised for ŋ. It is then raised for the ɡ plosive and remains raised for l.
When the vocal tract is in its resting position for normal breathing, the soft palate is usually lowered.Which one is the best description of the movements which are carried out by the soft palate in the pronunciation of words ‘banner’?
The soft palace is raised for the b plosive and remains raised for ɑ. It is lowered for n, then raised again for the final ə.
The soft palace is raised for the b plosive and remains raised for æ. It is lowered for n, then raised again for the final ə.
The soft palace is raised for the p plosive and remains raised for æ. It is lowered for n, then raised again for the final ə.
The soft palace is raised for the p plosive and remains raised for e. It is lowered for n, then raised again for the final ə.
When the vocal tract is in its resting position for normal breathing, the soft palate is usually lowered.Which one is the best description of the movements which are carried out by the soft palate in the pronunciation of words ‘mid’?
The soft palace remains lowered during the articulation of d, and is then raised for the rest of the syllable.
The soft palace remains lowered during the articulation of m, and is then raised for the rest of the syllable.
The soft palace remains lowered during the articulation of n, and is then raised for the rest of the syllable.
The soft palace remains lowered during the articulation of ŋ, and is then raised for the rest of the syllable.
When we have two or more consonants together at the beginning of a syllable what will we call them?
consonant cluster
zero onset
Which diagram shows vowel / ɒ /?
Which diagram shows vowel / aʊ / ?
Which diagram shows vowel / ɔ:/ ?
Which diagram shows vowel / ɔi / ?
Which diagram shows vowel / ei / ?
Which diagram shows vowel / ɜ:/?
Which diagram shows vowel / i /?
Which diagram shows vowel / iə / ?
Which diagram shows vowel / ʊ /?
Which diagram shows vowel / Λ /?
Which diagram shows vowel /e/?
Which diagram shows vowel /i:/?
Which group of consonant phonemes of the BBC accent are affricates?
f, θ, s, ʃ, h, v, ð, z, ʒ
m, n, ŋ
p, b, t, d, k, ɡ
r, w, j
tʃ, dʒ
Which group of consonant phonemes of the BBC accent are fricatives?
f, θ, s, ʃ, h, v, ð, z, ʒ
m, n, ŋ
p, b, t, d, k, ɡ
tʃ, dʒ
Which group of consonant phonemes of the BBC accent are nasals?
f, θ, s, ʃ, h, v, ð, z, ʒ
m, n, ŋ
p, b, t, d, k, ɡ
r, w, j
tʃ, dʒ
Which group of consonant phonemes of the BBC accent are plosives?
f, θ, s, ʃ, h, v, ð, z, ʒ
m, n, ŋ
p, b, t, d, k, ɡ
tʃ, dʒ
Which group of consonant phonemes of the BBC accent is approximants?
f, θ, s, ʃ, h, v, ð, z, ʒ
m, n, ŋ
p, b, t, d, k, ɡ
r, w, j
tʃ, dʒ
Which is phonetic transcription of word ‘speed’?
Which one best describes weak form of given transcription?/ ju 'ʃʊdnt pʊt 'ænd ət ði 'end əv ə 'sentəns/
check_box When a weak-form word is being “cited” or “quoted”;
weak-form words when they occur at the end of a sentence
When a weak-form word is being contrasted with another word
When a weak-form word is given stress for the purpose of emphasis
Which one best describes weak form of given transcription?/aɪm 'fɒnd əv 'tʃɪps/
check_box weak-form words when they occur at the end of a sentence
weak-form words when they occur at the end of a sentence
When a weak-form word is being “cited” or “quoted”;
When a weak-form word is being contrasted with another word
When a weak-form word is given stress for the purpose of emphasis
Which one best describes weak form of given transcription?/ðə 'letəz 'frɒm ɪm nɒt 'tu: ɪm/
check_box When a weak-form word is being contrasted with another word
weak-form words when they occur at the end of a sentence
When a weak-form word is being “cited” or “quoted”;
When a weak-form word is given stress for the purpose of emphasis
Which one best describes weak form of given transcription?/ju 'mʌst 'gɪv mi 'mͻ: 'mʌni/
check_box When a weak-form word is given stress for the purpose of emphasis
weak-form words when they occur at the end of a sentence
When a weak-form word is being “cited” or “quoted”;
When a weak-form word is being contrasted with another word
Which one best transcribe word ‘achieves’ phonemically?
Which one best transcribe word ‘fishes’ phonemically?
Which one best transcribe word ‘others’ phonemically?
Which one best transcribe word ‘shaver’ phonemically?
Which one best transcribe word ‘sixth’ phonemically?
Which one best transcribes word ‘nineteen’ phonemically?
Which one best transcribes word ‘steering’ phonemically?
Which one has correct stress mark for the word ‘anti-clockwise’?
check_box ,ænti ‘klɒkwaɪz
‘ænti ,klɒkwaɪz
‘ænti ‘klɒkwaɪz
ænti ‘klɒkwaɪz
Which one has correct stress mark for the word ‘birth-mark’?
check_box ‘bɜ:θ ,mɑ:k
‘bɜ:θ mɑ:k
bɜ:θ ,mɑ:k
bɜ:θ ‘mɑ:k
Which one has correct stress mark for the word ‘confirmation’?
check_box ,kɒnfə’meɪʃn
Which one has correct stress mark for the word ‘eight-sided’?
check_box ,eɪt ‘saɪdɪd
‘eɪt ‘saɪdɪd
‘eɪt saɪ,dɪd
eɪt ‘saɪdɪd
Which one has correct stress mark for the word ‘fruit-cake’?
check_box ‘fru:t keɪk
‘fru:t ,keɪk
fru:t ‘keɪk
ru:t ‘keɪk
Which one has correct stress mark for the word ‘open-ended’?
check_box ,əʊpṇ ‘endɪd
‘əʊpṇ ,endɪd
‘əʊpṇ endɪd
əʊpṇ ‘endɪd
Which one has correct stress mark for the word ‘shop-fitter’?
check_box ‘ʃɒp ,frɪtə
,ʃɒp ‘frɪtə
‘ʃɒp ‘frɪtə
‘ʃɒp frɪtə
Which one has the weak form of word ‘can’ ?
check_box ‘I can swim’
‘ I can’t play guitar’
‘You can’t do it. ‘ ‘No. I can.’
I can’t wait to see you.
Which one has the weak form of word ‘there’ ?
check_box ‘There should be nice.’
‘Put it there’
‘There it is’
The man over there
Which one is correct about broad phonetic transcription?
A phonetic transcription containing a lot of information about the exact quality of the sounds is broad phonetic transcription.
The transcription that contains a lot of information about the exact quality of the sounds is broad phonetic transcription.
The transcription that only included a little more information than a phonemic transcription is broad phonetic transcription.
The transcription that used symbols and diacritics was much more accurate in phonetic detail, and contained much more information than a phonemic transcription in broad phonetic transcription.
Which one is correct about narrow phonetic transcription?
A phonetic transcription containing a lot of information about the exact quality of the sounds is called narrow phonetic transcription.
The transcription that contains a lot of information about the exact quality of the sounds is called narrow phonetic transcription.
The transcription that contains only included a little information is called narrow phonetic transcription.
The transcription that used symbols and diacritics was much more accurate in phonetic detail, and contained much more information than a phonemic transcription is called narrow phonetic transcription.
Which one is correct about phoneme ?
Phoneme is the small unit of language which distinguishes meaning, it is the organisational unit of phonology.
Phoneme is the smallest unit of language which distinguishes meaning, it is the organisational unit of allophone.
Phoneme is the smallest unit of language which distinguishes meaning, it is the organisational unit of phonology. Phonemes are written in slashes: / /
Phoneme is the smallest unit of language which distinguishes meaning, it is the organisational unit of phonology. Phonemes are written in square brackets [ ]
Which one is correct about phonetic transcription ?
check_box The transcription that used symbols and diacritics was much more accurate in phonetic detail, and contained much more information than a phonemic transcription.
The transcription containing a lot of information about the exact quality of the sounds is phonemic transcription.
The transcription that contains a lot of information about the exact quality of the sounds is phonemic transcription.
The transcription that contains only included a little information is phonemic transcription.
Which one is correct about plossives?
It includes closing phase, compression phase and release phase.
It includes closing phase, compression phase, and post-release phase.
It includes closing phase, compression phase, release phase and post-release phase.
It includes compression phase, release phase and post-release phase.
Which one is correct?
In initial position, b, d, g can be preceded by any consonant, but p, t, k may be preceded by /s/.
The closing phase for p, t, k and b, d, g takes place noisily.
The closing phase for p, t, k and b, d, g takes place silently.
The release of p, t, k is followed by inaudible plosion.
Which one is formal definition of Phonology?
Phonology is the study of sounds in a language and across languages.
Phonology is the study of the categorical organisation of speech sounds in languages; how speech sounds are organised in the mind and used to convey meaning
Phonology is the study of the categorical organisation of speech sounds; how speech sounds are organised in the mind and used to convey meaning.
Phonology is the study of the patterns of sounds in a language and across languages.
Which one is one type of Complex word?
check_box Compound words , which are made of two (or occasionally more) independent English words
Compound words , which are made of adjective and noun
Compound words , which are made of verb -ing and noun
Words made from a basic stem word
Which one is one type of Complex word?
check_box words made from a basic stem word with addition of an affix
compound words, which are made of adjective and noun
compound words, which are made of verb-ing and noun
words made from two basic stem words with addition of an affix
Which one is the best description about Complex word?
check_box Complex word is the one which is composed of more than one grammatical units each.
Complex word is the one which is composed of one grammatical unit each.
Complex word is the one which is composed of two grammatical units each.
Complex word is the one which is not composed of more that one grammatical unit
Which one is the best description of Production of Affricates ?
Affricates are consonants with the characteristic that air escapes through a narrow passage.
Affricates begin as plosives and end as fricatives.
An example of affricate heard at the end of the word ‘develop’
We would class all sequences of plosive plus fricative as affricates.
Which one is the best description of Production of fricatives ?
Fricatives are consonants with the characteristic that air escapes through a narrow passage and makes a hissing sound.
Fricatives are consonants with the characteristic that air escapes through a narrow passage.
Fricatives are not continuant consonants.
the most commonly found being something like ‘v’.
Which one is the best description of The alveolar fricatives?
The alveolar fricatives s, z, with the same place of articulation as plosive
The alveolar fricatives s, z, with the same place of articulation as t, v
When pronouncing alveolar fricatives the air escapes through a large passage along the centre of the tongue.
When pronouncing alveolar fricatives the sound produced is comparatively weak.
Which one is the best description of The dental fricatives?
In fact, the tongue is normally placed behind the teeth
The dental fricatives are sometimes described as if the tongue were placed far the front teeth.
When pronouncing dental fricatives the air escapes through the gaps between the lips.
When pronouncing dental fricatives the tip touching the inner side of the upper teeth.
Which one is the best description of The fricatives of English?
An example of affricate heard at the end of the word ‘develop’
The fortis fricatives are said to be articulated with the same force as the lenis.
We would class all sequences of plosive plus fricative as affricates.
With the exception of glottal, each place of articulation has a pair of phonemes, one fortis and one lenis.
Which one is the best description of The lenis fricatives of English?
The lenis fricatives are voicing when they occur between voiced sounds.
The lenis fricatives have very little or no voiced in initial and final positions.
The lenis fricatives have voiced final positions.
The lenis fricatives may be voiced when they occur between voiced sounds.
Which one is the best description of The post-alveolar fricatives?
Most BBC speakers have flatted lips for ʃ, ʒ
No English words begin with ʒ
The fricative ʃ is a common and widely distributed phoneme, but ʒ is not.
The post-alveolar fricatives can be taken to mean that the tongue is in contact with an area with that for s, z
Which one is the best transcription of this sentence ‘A particular problem of the boat was a leak’?
check_box /ə pətɪkjələ prɒbləm əv ðə bəʊt wəz 1i:k/
/ ə pətɪkjələ prɒbləm əf θə bəʊt wəz 1ɪk /
/ eɪ pətɪkjələ prɒbləm əf ðə bəʊt wəz 1i:k/
/ eɪ pətɪkjələ prɒbləm əf θə bəʊt wəz 1i:k/
Which one is the best transcription of this sentence ‘Opening the bottle presented no difficulty’?
/əʊpniŋ ðə bɒtĮ prɪzəntɪd nəʊ dɪfɪkĮti /
/əʊpņiŋ ðə bɒtĮ prɪzentɪd nəʊ dɪfɪkĮti /
/əʊpņiŋ θə bɒtlə prɪzentɪd nəʊ dɪfɪkĮti/
/əʊpņiŋ θə bɒtlə prɪzntɪd nəʊ dɪfɪkĮti /
Which one is the best transcription of this sentence ‘There is no alternative to the government’s proposal’?
check_box / ðər ɪz nəʊ ɒltɜ:nətɪv tə ðə gʌvņmənt sprəpəʊzĮ /
/ ðər ɪz nəʊ ɒltɜ:neɪtɪv tə ðə gʌvņmənt sprəpəʊzəĮ /
/ ðər ɪz nəʊ ɒltɜ:nətɪv tə ðə gʌvəņmənt sprəpəʊzĮ /
/ ðər ɪz nəʊ ɒltɜ:nətɪv tə ðə gʌvəņmənt sprəpəʊzĮ /
Which one is true about a minimum syllable?
check_box A minimum syllable is a single vowel in isolation. It is preceded and followed by silence.
A minimum syllable is a single vowel in isolation.
A minimum syllable is preceded and followed by silence.
Minimum syllable likes ‘are’ a:, baker
Which one is true about the /ə/ vowel?
In quality the /ə/ vowel is mid and central.
The /ə/ vowel is articulated with much energy.
The /ə/ vowel is sometimes associated with weak syllables.
The /ə/ vowel occasionally occurs in English.
Which one is true about the articulation of syllabic /l/ when it is preceded by an alveolar consonant?
The articulatory movement from the preceding consonant to the syllabic /l/ is quite simple. The sides of the tongue, which are raised for the preceding consonant, are lowered to allow air to escape over them.
The articulatory movement from the preceding consonant to the syllabic /l/ is quite simple. The sides of the tongue, which are raised for the preceding consonant, are lowered to allow air to escape over them. The tip and blade of the tongue do not move until the articulatory contact for the /l/ is released.
The articulatory movement from the preceding consonant to the syllabic /l/ is quite simple. The sides of the tongue, which are raised for the preceding consonant, are lowered to allow air to escape over them. The tip and blade of the tongue move to contact soft palace.
The articulatory movement from the preceding consonant to the syllabic /l/ is quite simple. The tongue is raised for the preceding consonant, is lowered to allow air to escape over them.
Which one is true about the articulation of syllabic /n/?
After velar consonants in words like ‘thicken’, ‘waken’, only syllabic /n/ is acceptable.
After velar consonants in words like ‘thicken’, ‘waken’, syllabic /n/ is possible but /ən/ is also acceptable.
Syllabic /n/ after non-alveolar consonants is appears as frequently as one after alveolar plosives and fricatives.
Syllabic /n/ rarely appears after alveolar plosives and fricatives.
Which one is true about the nature of stress?
Stressed syllables are louder but shorter than unstressed syllables.
Stressed syllables are louder, longer than unstressed syllables. It also is a medium pitched notes.
Stressed syllables are louder, longer than unstressed syllables. It is at high- pitched notes. It also is affected by the quality from neighbouring vowels.
Stressed syllables are louder, longer than unstressed syllables. It is at medium pitched notes. It also is affected by the quality from neighbouring vowels.
Which one is true about the nature of stress?
The production of stress is generally believed to depend on the speaker using less muscular energy than is used for unstressed syllables.
The production of stress is generally believed to depend on the speaker using more muscular energy than is used for unstressed syllables.
When we produce stressed syllables, the muscles that we use to expel air from the lungs are often passive, producing low glottal pressure.
When we produce stressed syllables, the muscles that we use to expel air from the lungs are often passive.
Which one is true about the nature of syllable?
One could decide whether a particular sound was a vowel or a consonant based on relation to how much they obstructed the airflow.
One could decide whether a particular sound was a vowel or a consonant on phonetic grounds or on phonological grounds.
One could decide whether a particular sound was a vowel or a consonant on phonetic grounds.
One could decide whether a particular sound was a vowel or a consonant on phonological grounds.
Which one makes the best decision in placing stress in a word?
Whether the word is morphologically simple, or whether it is complex; What the grammatical category of the word is.
Whether the word is morphologically simple, or whether it is complex; What the grammatical category of the word is; How many syllables the word has.
Whether the word is morphologically simple, or whether it is complex; What the grammatical category of the word is; How many syllables the word has; What the phonological structure of those syllables is.
Whether the word is morphologically simple.
Which one makes the best decision in placing stress in three – syllable words?
If the last syllable is weak, then it will be unstressed, and stress will be placed on the preceding syllable if that syllable is strong.
Stress will be placed on the first syllable.
Stress will be placed on the second syllable.
Stress will be placed on the third.
Which one shows the vocal folds are narrow glottis?
Which symbol is used for the vowel in the word ‘bread’ ?
Which symbol is used for the vowel in the word ‘foot’ ?
Which symbol is used for the vowel in the word ‘hymn’ ?
Which symbol is used for the vowel in the word ‘pull’ ?
Which symbol is used for the vowel in the word ‘rough’ ?
Which transcript shows the vowel/ dipthong is shotened?
Which transcript shows the vowel/ dipthong is shotened?
Which transcription of ‘disconnect’ has correct place of stress?
check_box dɪskə’nekt
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