Above the word level, why does literal translation become increasingly difficult?
It focuses on grammar
It includes literal equivalents
It is normally out of translation problem question
It is not suitable in translating sentence to sentence
According to Newmark, how many directions of text translation are there?
According to Newmark, how many varieties of technical language are there?
check_box 3
According to Newmark, what is the equal frequency rule?
The equal frequency rule that corresponding collocations should have an approximately equal frequency in both the source and target languages.
The equal frequency rule that corresponding grammatical structures should have an approximately equal frequency in both the source and target languages.
The equal frequency rule that corresponding sentences should have approximately equal frequency, for the topic and register in question, in both the source and target languages.
The equal frequency rule that corresponding words should have approximately equal frequency, for the topic and register in question, in both the source and target languages.
According to Newmark, which one below is NOT topic of comprehensive criticism of a translation?
check_box A full analysis of vocabulary using in the SL and TL texts
a brief analysis of the SL text stressing its intention and its functional aspects
a selective but representative detailed comparison of the translation with the original
the translator's interpretation of the SL text's purpose
According to Newmark, which one below is topic of comprehensive criticism of a translation?
check_box an evaluation of the translation – in the translator's terms, in the critic's terms
a brief analysis of technical terms
a comparison in using grammatical structures between SL and TL
a comparison in using metaphors between SL and TL
According to Newmark, why is English likely to have a greater variety and distinctiveness on a scale of language?
Because it is lexically the product of several language groups (Saxon, Norse, French, Classical), and has been in intimate contact with a wide variety of other languages.
Because it is lexically the product of several language groups (Saxon, Norse, French, Classical), and has been in intimate contact with a wide variety of other languages; being 'carried' over most of the world, it has become the main carrier for technology and has had little authoritative pressure exercised on its growth
Because it is lexically the product of several language groups (Saxon, Norse, French, Classical).
Because it is lexically the product of several language groups, had little authoritative pressure was exercised on its growth.
According to Nida what are four types of text?
Narrative, Description, Discussion, and Dialogue.
Narrative, Description, Discussion, and Negotiation.
Persuasive, Argumentative, Discussion, and Dialogue.
Persuasive, Description, Discussion, and Dialogue.
According to The scale of formality, the following sentences belong to which level? “Exports of Vietnamese agricultural products via border gates to China are facing numerous difficulties.”
According to The scale of formality, the following sentences belong to which level? “I am very happy to inform you that you are our lucky customer who has a chance to get $1000 in cash.”
According to The scale of formality, the following sentences belong to which level? “Take your dirty hand away from me.”
According to The scale of formality, the following sentences belong to which level?“Don’t jump in my throat.”
According to The scale of formality, the following sentences belong to which level?“I wonder if you can lend me some money.”
According to The scale of formality, the following sentences belong to which level?“Let’s show up.”
Choose the best option to complete the sentence below:“The functional is a ……… approach, the attempt to assess whether the translator has achieved what he attempted to do and where he………...”
check_box General ……. fell short
Main ……… doesn’t translate
Standard ……… fail
Unnecessary ………… ignore
Does the translator have to adapt SL to persuade or instruct a new TL reader-ship when translating an advertisement?
No. Because the mission of the translator is translating.
No. When translating an advertisement, a notice, or a set of instructions translator might have to show his client how such matters are formulated and written in the source language, rather than how to adapt them to persuade or instruct a new target language readership.
Yes. And the translator can borrow the word(s) of the source language.
Yes. Because it’s the mission of the translator.
For key-words, why do translators have to assess their texts critically?
check_box the relative gains and losses in a translation may correspond to their assessment.
The TL text will be more natural.
There is no gap between SL and TL text.
Translators understand the intensive of the SL text and the author.
How can we say about the quality of translations in its early history?
Not necessarily to be good
How does naturalization work?
Transfer and adapt morphology of the TL
Transfer and adapt SL pronunciation
Transfer and adapt SL pronunciation, then morphology of the TL
Transfer word type of SL
How does translator deal with new terminology?
check_box Underline key terms and then look them up
Adapt its meaning according to context
Ignore it
Translate it out of context
How important contrasts are in discourse?
They’re important cohesive factors in discourse.
They’re quite important cohesive factors in discourse.
They’re the most powerful cohesive factors in discourse.
They’re useless cohesive factors in discourse.
How important is equivalent effect in the communicative translation of vocative texts?
Desirable, essential
How many levels of translation are there?
In a French restaurant in Hanoi, should the ingredient of each dish be both in French and Vietnamese?
No. Clients don’t like that.
No. It’s unnecessary.
Yes. Because France is famous for their cuisines and French cuisine standards is appreciated all over the world.
Yes. It’s requested.
In a text that uses for children about a rabbit asking for help should we use a sentence like: “Help me, please. Before the hunter shoots my decease.”
No, we SHOULDN’T. The word ‘decease’ is not fit. We’d better use ‘death’ instead.
No, we SHOULDN’T. The word ‘decease’ is not fit. We’d better use ‘losing my life’ instead.
No, we SHOULDN’T. The word ‘shoots me decease’ is not fit. We’d better use ‘sends me to god’ instead.
Yes. It fits kids’ saying.
In modern-day translation, can translators rely on machine translation completely?
A little
Not completely
In poetry translation, what is true about rhyming scheme?
check_box The rhyming scheme is part of the form, but its precise order may have to be dropped
The rhyming scheme can be modified to create sound effect
The rhyming scheme is not mandatory
The rhyming scheme of each poetic form has to be followed strictly
In poetry translation, what should translator do first?
check_box choose a TL poetic form as close as possible of that of the SL
translate the title
underline all metaphors in SL text
underline all rhetorics in SL text to find equivalent ones in TL text
In the case of new objects, how can we use componential analysis (CA)?
check_box CA could only be used as a gloss.
CA has to be applied first.
We don’t use CA.
We use CA and equivalent effect at the same time.
In the case of verbless sentences, why does translator have a wide semantic choice if he wishes to supply a verb?
check_box Since syntactically the source language text in omitting the verb is attempting to give a rather general impression of sudden, strong action.
Since syntactically the source language text in omitting the verb is emphasizing about agent of action.
Since syntactically the source language text in omitting the verb is emphasizing about object of action.
Since syntactically the source language text in omitting the verb is not caring about action.
In this conversation the marking words ‘I see’ show what type of signal?Tom: Sorry. I can’t lend you money because I have to pay my debt this monthSue:I see.
A break
A continuation
A pause
An end
In translation, how does translator deal with single senses of a word?
check_box In CA, the various single senses of a word have to be analysed separately
In CA, the various single senses of a word have to be analysed at the same time, and mix together.
In CA, the various single senses of a word have to be in context
In CA, the various single senses of a word have to be out of context
Should the translator apply the word-by-word translation method?
No. The translator can translate the text, even if he has to simplify, rearrange, clarify, slim it of its redundancies, pare it down.
No. the Translator must apply the literal method.
No. the Translator must apply the sense-for-sense method.
No. Tranche slate must apply the word-for-word method.
To catch the intention of the text, what should the translator do?
The translator just needs to read the title of it.
The translator needs to point out the structure of the text.
The translator needs to point out the style of the text.
The translator needs to understand the text and title of the text.
To understand the text, what should the translator do?
To understand the text, the translator needs to read both general and close reading.
To understand the text, the translator needs to read it critically.
To understand the text, the translator only needs to read it closely.
To understand the text, the translator only needs to read it generally.
What affects the componential analysis (CA)? going with an accepted translation?
check_box Whether the CA is accompanied by an accepted translation will depend, firstly, on the particular text-type; secondly, on the requirements of the readership or the client; and thirdly, on the importance of the cultural word in the text.
Whether the CA is accompanied by an accepted translation will depend on the importance of the cultural word.
Whether the CA is accompanied by an accepted translation will depend on the requirements of the readership or the client
Whether the CA is accompanied by an accepted translation will depend, firstly, on the particular text-type
What are Authoritative statements?
Legal texts
Texts of any nature derive their authority from the status of their authors. Such texts are connotative.
Texts of any nature derive their authority from the status of their authors. Such texts have the personal 'stamp' of their authors, although they are denotative, not connotative.
Texts of any nature derive their authority from the status or the reliability and linguistic competence of their authors. Such texts have the personal 'stamp' of their authors, although they are denotative, not connotative
What are best words to fill in blanks in a sentence below?“Communicative translation attempts to render the ……. of the original in such a way that both ……………. are readily acceptable and comprehensible to the readership.”
exact contextual meaning …… content and language
Grammatical structure ……… meaning and structure
Idea ……………… original meaning and text structure
SL Words ……… type of words and word order
What are best words to fill in blanks in a sentence below?“Idiomatic translation reproduces the …….. of the original but tends to distort …….. by preferring colloquialisms and idioms where these do not exist in the original.”
Grammatical structure ……… meaning
Idea ……………… original meaning
'message' …… nuances of meaning
Words ……… type of words
What are characteristics of faithful translation?
A faithful translation attempts to be completely faithful to the intentions and the text-realization of the SL writer.
A faithful translation attempts to reproduce the precise contextual meaning of the original within the constraints of the TL grammatical structures.
A faithful translation attempts to reproduce the precise contextual meaning of the original within the constraints of the TL grammatical structures. It 'transfers' cultural words and preserves the degree of grammatical and lexical 'abnormality' in the translation. It attempts to be completely faithful to the intentions and the text-realization of the SL writer.
A faithful translation 'transfers' cultural words and preserves the degree of grammatical and lexical 'abnormality' in the translation.
What are the best words to fill in blanks?“Case grammar as a method of ………... a sentence, or a verbless compound in a manner that demonstrates the ……. of the verb or the word that has ………… within the word sequence.”
check_box Analyzing ……… center position ……… verbal force
Building …………. Type …………… modifier
Consider ………… function ………… object
Making ………….. function ………… post-modifier
What are the main aims of translation?
accuracy and economy
Cohesion and coherence
Flexibility and naturalness
Naturalness and comprehension
What are the two earliest literary works in the history of translation?
“The Book of the Thousand Nights and a Night” and the “Kama Sutra”
The Bible and “The Book of the Thousand Nights and a Night.”
The Septuagint and the “Kama Sutra”
The Septuagint, The Epic of Gilgamesh and the Bible.
What are two translation procedures which are at opposite ends of the scale?
Functional equivalence and Descriptive equivalence
Naturalization and Cultural equivalence
transference and componential analysis
Transpositions and Through-Translation
What are words that that discussion text style emphasizes?
abstract nouns, verbs of feeling, mental activity, logical argument
abstract nouns, verbs of thought
abstract nouns, verbs of thought, mental activity, logical argument, and connectives.
emotional verbs, adjectives, adverbs
What components should you include when doing componential analysis (CA)?
check_box descriptive and one functional component
Cultural component
Historic component
naturalism component
What day is 30th September every year?
Celebration of St Jerome’s birthday
It’s a day of Annual International Workshop about translation
The day of St Jerome - the patron saint of translators
The day which celebrates ‘translation be seen at a science subject.
What do the critics do when seeing a passage that that diverges from literal translation in grammar?
check_box The critics have to offers choices, requires them to justify their preferred solution.
The critics have to call out the name or grammatical structures
The critics have to give a replacing translation
The critics have to point out what are incorrect
What does Newmark state about new terminology?
check_box Never treat it as ‘already known' word
Translate it in context
Translate it in house-style
Translate it with an explanation
What does translation theory concern?
Translation theory is concerned with grammatical structures
Translation theory is concerned with minutiae (the meanings of semi-colons, italics, misprints) as well as generalities (presentation, the thread of thought underlying a piece), and both may be equally important in the context.
Translation theory is concerned with registers and collocations
Translation theory is concerned with syntax
What does verb for 'to happen' normally imply?
check_box a time and/or a place
a manner
a surprise
an accidental action
What is "verbless clauses"?
check_box groups of words have the same function as a main clause or a subordinate clause, but do not contain a verb
a clause without verb
a phrase
an adjective phrase, a proposition phrase or a noun phrase
What is a strong point of translation tools?
Choose correct meaning in the text of the word
Identify a match at the sentence level, quite reasonable at finding concordances
Identify grammatical structure
Identify the tone of the text
What is componential analysis (CA)?
check_box The basic process is to compare a SL word with a TL word which has a similar meaning, but is not an obvious one-to-one equivalent, by demonstrating first their common and then their differing sense components.
CA is but is not an obvious one-to-one equivalent, CA is identifying sense components.
CA is comparing a SL word with a TL word which has a similar meaning
CA is similar to syntax
What is correct compound noun?
Mother – in – law
Mother in – law
Mother in-law
What is corresponding sentences in Vietnamese of Hanoi weather forecast like ‘Heavy rain (total 39mm), heaviest during Friday morning.’?
Hà Nội có mưa lớn, (tổng cộng 39mm), nặng nhất vào sáng thứ Sáu.
Hà Nội có mưa lớn, tổng lượng mưa là 39 mm. Mưa lớn nhất có thể diễn ra vào sáng Thứ 6.
Mưa to (tổng cộng 39mm), nặng nhất vào sáng thứ Sáu.
Tổng lượng mưa của Hà Nội sẽ đạt mốc 39 mm do có mưa lớn, có lẽ mưa lớn nhất vào sáng Thứ 6.
What is corresponding sentences in Vietnamese of the ending in a fairy tale like 'They all lived happily ever after'?
Họ đã hạnh phúc.
Họ sống bên nhau hạnh phúc mãi mãi về sau.
Tất cả họ đều hạnh phúc.
Trọn đời, họ sống hạnh phúc.
What is 'equivalent effect’?
'Equivalent effect’ means: produce the same effect (or one as close as possible) on the readership of the translation as has obtained on the readership of the original
'Equivalent effect’ means: produce the same grammatical structures on the readership of the translation as has obtained on the readership of the original.
'Equivalent effect’ means: produce the same message on the readership of the translation.
'Equivalent effect’ means: produce understandable translation on the readership of the translation..
What is Newmark’s point of view about translation?
everything is translatable
everything is translatable up to a point, but that there are often enormous difficulties.
everything is translatable with little difficulties.
everything is untranslatable
What is NOT a characteristic of serious literature?
check_box Always literal
allegorical in some degree
bizarreries of idiolect
connotative and figurative
What is pragmatic component of ‘systematic’?
check_box positive
both negative and positive
What is supplementary?
check_box This is 'referential'. It consists of additional information, not given in the SL text.
It appears between two commas.
It appears in parentheses.
It’s information in glossary of SL texts.
What is the appropriate natural usage of vocative texts?
check_box pragmatic and persuasive
hugging the style of the original
What is the basic thought-carrying element of language?
What is the best option to complete the definition of translation criticism?“Translation criticism is the …….. study, evaluation, and interpretation …….. of translated works. It is an ………. closely related to literary criticism and translation theory.”
check_box Systematic ….. of different aspects …………. interdisciplinary academic field
Complete ……….. methods …………. Interesting field
Grammatical ……… technical terms ………. Semantic work
Literal ……… technical terms ………. Popular field
What is the core of the expressive function?
The mind of the originator of the utterance
The mind of the speaker
The mind of the speaker, the writer, the originator of the utterance
The mind of the write
What is the core of the vocative function of language?
NO. Each text only has one out of 3 functions.
NO: Few texts are purely expressive, informative, or vocative: most include all three functions, with an emphasis on one of the three.
YES. All texts include all three functions, with an emphasis on one of the three.
YES. These three functions are must-haves.
What is the core of the vocative function of language?
the addressee.
The intention of the text
the readership
the readership, the addressee.
What is the difference between geographical features and other cultural terms?
geographical features are about topographic
geographical features are regional
geographical features are value according to each culture
geographical features are value-free, politically and commercially
What is the figurative meaning of the word ‘hot’?
‘hot’ is used to describe food that causes a burning feeling in the mouth
‘hot’ is used to describe something which makes you feel like burning when touching it.
Word ‘hot’ is: used to describe a subject that causes a lot of disagreement or discussion; or sexually attractive, or feeling sexually excited.
Word ‘hot’ shows ‘having a high temperature’.
What is the first thing translator should consider when translating cultural words?
do componential analysis
highline the differences between SL and TL culture
recognize cultural achievements in the SL text, and respects other countries and their cultures
underline all metaphors
What is the function of metaphor with the expressive and the aesthetic function?
The gap
The link
The priority
The root
What is the 'group loyalty factor’?
'Group loyalty factor’ may reflect the national, political, ethnic, religious, social class, sex, etc. assumptions of the translator.
'Group loyalty factor’ may reflect the religious, social class, political, etc. in the correct context.
'Group loyalty factor’ may reflect the tightness of TL with SL
'Group loyalty factor’ may reflect the tightness of TL with SL in translating jargons
What is the language code of the given sentence below? "The two houses are 100 yards apart".
American code
Chinese code
English code
Vietnamese code
What is the main difficulty when translating technical texts?
check_box new terminology
New grammar structures
What is the main feature of Word-for-word translation?
The SL word-order is preserved and Cultural words are translated literally.
The SL word-order is preserved and the words translated singly by their most common meanings, out of context. Cultural words are translated literally.
The SL word-order is preserved and the words translated singly by their most common meanings.
The SL words translated singly by their most common meanings, out of context. Cultural words are translated literally.
What is the main purpose of a text?
The main purpose of the text is to convey information and convince the reader.
The main purpose of the text is to create information then convince the reader.
The main purpose of the text is to gather information and convince the reader.
The main purpose of the text is to gather information then convince the reader.
What is the main role of early translation?
Enriched foreign trade
Made language develops rapidly
Pushed intercultural
Spread religious beliefs far and wide
What is the most common missing case-partner?
check_box direct object
indirect object
What is the most common variety of 'marked' errors in the register among student translators?
The most common variety of 'marked' error in register among student translators tends to be ‘colloquial' and exaggerations
The most common variety of 'marked' error in register among student translators tends to be colloquialisms and fanaticisms
The most common variety of 'marked' error in register among student translators tends to be colloquialisms and jargons
The most common variety of 'marked' errors in register among student translators tends to be ‘colloquial' and 'intimate’.
What is the most obvious use of componential analysis (CA) is in handling words?
check_box denote combinations of qualities, or combinations of actions and qualities
denote combinations of actions
describe actions and qualities
describe qualities
What is the requirement in translating poetry?
check_box The integrity of both the lexical units and the lines has to be preserved within a context of: corresponding punctuation and accurate translation of metaphor.
Equivalent sound effect is prerequisite
Sometimes punctuation can be eliminate to create sound effects
Transferring both lexical and grammar
What is the role of translation in linguistics and culture?
It enriched linguistics
It fostered both linguistics and culture
Translating has played an important role in bridging both the linguistic and cultural divide that has long existed between countries.
Translating has played an important role in the linguistic divide that has long existed between countries,
What is the unit of translation in expressive texts?
Grammar structures
What is through-translation?
It is adaptation translation
It is borrowing technique to deal with terminology
It is equivalent translation to cope with metaphors
it is the literal translation of common collocations, names of organizations and components of compounds
What is translation theory in a narrow sense?
In a narrow sense, translation theory is concerned with copying grammatical structures from SL to TL
In a narrow sense, translation theory is concerned with the accuracy of SL messages when transferring to TL
In a narrow sense, translation theory is concerned with the translation method appropriately used for a certain type of text, and it is, therefore, dependent on a functional theory of language.
In a narrow sense, translation theory is concerned with the use of words in context
What is translation theory in a wide sense?
In a wider sense, translation theory is the body of knowledge that we have about translating, extending from general principles to guidelines, suggestions, and hints.
In a wider sense, translation theory is the body of knowledge that we pay attention to hints.
In a wider sense, translation theory is the body of knowledge that we pay attention to word usage and metaphor.
In a wider sense, translation theory is the way we encode the suggestion and hints of SL to translate.
What is translation?
The translation is rendering the meaning of a text into another language in the way that the author intended the text.
The translation is transferring a text from one language into another one
The translation is transferring every word of a text from one language into another one
The translation is transferring the idea of the author in the source into the target language
What is translator’s power when translating the title of the text?
check_box He is entitled to 'change' the title
He can copy the whole title
he can use punctuations
he can write his name beside
What is true about British Standards Institution standardised terms?
check_box may have more than one meaning in one field
go with formula
have illustration for each word
have one fixed meaning
What is true about concept-words?
check_box are notorious for their different meanings in various technologies
are abstract words
are boring words
are difficult to understand
What is TRUE about Sir Richard Burton?
He died in 1891.
He produced an uncensored translation of “The
Book of the Thousand Nights and a Night.”
He was born in 1812
One of his works is a good translation of the Bible.
What is TRUE about St. Jerome?
He was a Greek scholar
He was born in 374 AD
His mother tongue is Latin
His translation was named the Vulgate
What is TRUE about the Bible translation?
It was translated by Sir Richard Burton
It was written in English
It’s a good translation
The 1st book is translated when a language starts to be translated into other languages.
What is TRUE about the relationship between the conventional grammatical and lexical usage for types of text?
Flexible - depending on the topic and the situation
Not relevant
The same
What is TRUE about the relationship between the referential truth, the SL text, and the expectations of the readership?
not relevant
What is verbless in the given sentence used for? ‘What a pleasant surprise!’
check_box Give an exclamations
Give a command
Give a questions
Show an order
What makes error in technical translation?
check_box Misleading adjective plus noun collocations for standardised terms
Multi-meaning words
New words
Strange grammar structures
What makes technical translation different other types of translations?
check_box Terminology, of which characteristics and grammatical features merge with other varieties of language
Grammar structures
What makes the naturalness of a text?
The naturalness of a text is both grammatical and lexical.
The naturalness of a text is both style and lexical.
The naturalness of a text is grammatical.
The naturalness of a text is lexical.
What should translator do when dealing with metaphors in technical SL text?
check_box converting metaphors to sense
ignoring them
transfer them with pun-words in TL
translate them with idiomatic technique
What should translator do when dealing with the sentence below?'Organic samples and a sophisticated equipment have to be prepared for this technique’.
check_box Translate 1-to-1, he doesn’t have to recast the TL sentence
Use idiomatic translation method
Use naturalness translation method
Use transference translation method
What should translator do when facing historical institutional terms?
borrow that words plus explanation phrase
not to translate them
translate them
use adaptation method to translate them
What should translator do when meeting a ‘semi-cultural’ words?
Apply Naturalisation
Such words can be borrowed
Such words can be borrowed with explanation in blanket
Such words should first be translated, with, if necessary, the transferred word and the functional equivalent added in brackets, until you are confident that your readership recognises and understands the word.
What should translator remember when translating cultural words?
Translator should apply effect equivalent in translating
Translator should bear in mind both the motivation and the cultural specialist
Translator should pay attention on culture terms
Translator should remember the intension of the text and the intension of author
What should translator remember when translating nomenclatures?
check_box In some areas, the nomenclature is clouded by additional obsolete, obsolescent or regional terms
go with formula
have illustration for each word
have one fixed meaning
What should we translate words?
We translate isolated phrases
We translate isolated words
We translate isolated words with their syntactic, collocational contexts.
we translate words all more or bound of their syntactic, collocational, situational, cultural and individual idiolectal contexts.
What should we use when analyzing conceptual terms?
check_box CA, together with case-grammar
equivalent effect
What should you do if you meet an archaic structure in SL?
‘hot’ is used to describe something When meeting an archaic structure in SL, the translator should use the one-to-one translation method
When meeting an archaic structure in SL, the translator should focus on transfer idea of a sentence only
When meeting an archaic structure in SL, the translator should reproduce a corresponding deviation from the target language norms in your version.
When meeting an archaic structure in SL, the translator should use the word-for-word translation method
What thing that translator should avoid when translating descriptive terms?
check_box translate a descriptive by a technical term for the purpose of showing off his knowledge
borrow them
translate without explanation
use multi-meaning word
What thing you shouldn’t do when analysing the SL text?
check_box Including your comment about author’s writing
briefly state the topic or themes
characterization of the readership
Including a statement of the author's purpose
What things should we emphasize when translating a dialogue?
colloquialisms and fanaticisms
colloquialisms and jargons
Exclamations and exaggerations
Exclamations and fanaticisms
What translation method that supplying a verb is more appreciable?
check_box communicative
What type of the given text below?
A forecast
A news
a report
a survey
What types of sentence is the whole sentence and the quotation below?He shouted, “Where do you think you’re going?”
The entire sentence is a question and the quote is a statement
The entire sentence is a statement and the quote is a question
The entire sentence is an exclamation and the quote is a question
The entire sentence is an order and the quote is a question
What types of text that translator mainly uses adaptation?
plays (comedies) and poetry
does the verb for 'to behave' normally imply?
check_box a manner of behaviour
a surprise
a time and/or a place
an accidental action
What’s a benefit that general reading brings to a translator?
General reading can help the translator get the gist.
General reading can help the translator understand collocations in the text.
General reading can help the translator understand each metaphor.
General reading can help the translator understand the jargon.
What’s a benefit that general reading brings to a translator?
Close reading is required reading words both in and out of context.
Close reading is required to read words in context.
Close reading is required to read words out of context.
Close reading is required to understand every grammatical structure.
What’s translating activity compared to?
A hat
an iceberg
the tip of an iceberg
The top of a hat
When a metaphor can cause cultural shock how should the translator deal with it?
check_box The translator has to reproduce it scrupulously
The translator can eliminate it
The translator can replace it by more friendly one
The translator put it in glossary
When can degrees of formality be noted as pragmatic components?
check_box when they have no TL equivalents
when they are cultural terms
when they are historic terms
when they make no sense
When does a good translator abandon a literal version?
A good translator abandons a literal version only when it is plainly inexact or, in the case of a vocative or informative text, badly written.
A good translator abandons a literal version only when it’s a vocative or informative text.
When it contains many collocations
When it has a stock metaphor.
When does the figurative element go with literal translation?
When the figurative element is a cliche metaphor.
When the figurative element is a cultural metaphor.
When the figurative element is a stock metaphor.
When the figurative element is universal and/or original.
When does the translator automatically fill in the case-gap?
check_box When the syntax of the TL require it
When the semantic function of the SL require it
When the semantic function of the TL require it
When the syntax of the SL require it
When does the translator have to intervene semantically?
check_box When the stylistic effect of verb omission cannot be reproduced in the target language
When the meaning is too dim to translator
When translator wants to make his own effect
When translator wants to make his own mark
When facing defective SL text, what can translator NOT do?
check_box Translate one-to-one
convert verbs to nouns
cut up sentences
transpose clauses
When should translator translate a descriptive by a technical term?
check_box When ignorance or negligence appears in SL writer' s, or when the appropriate technical term does not exist in the SL, and in particular if an object strange to the SL but not to the TL culture is being referred to.
When he believes in his language capacity
When he is an expert in that field
When he want to mark his own signature
When should we use literal translation?
in a post-translation process
in a pre-translation process
in a while-translation process
in criticizing translation
When translating for an American about weather temperature, which is the best?
It’s 100 degree
It’s 100 Fahrenheit.
It’s 38 Celsius.
It’s 38 degree
Which translation level transpose the SL grammar into their ‘ready’ TL equivalents?
The cohesive level
The naturalness level
The referential level
The textual level
Which are suitable words to fill in the blanks in the given sentence below?“The ……….. of the informative function of language is ………….. situation, the facts of a topic, reality outside language, including reported ideas or theories.”
Concept ……….. real
Core ……………. external
Target ……………. understanding
Vague …………. dim
Which are the two approaches to translating?
Read and underline new words at the same time; and read to get main ideas first, then point out the meaning of new words.
Read the first paragraph then translate; and read the whole text then translate
Translate sentences by sentences. And Translate word by word.
Translating sentences by sentences then reading. And read the whole text then translate.
Which is an example of Authoritative statements?
A dialogue
A talk-show
A text message of 2 friends
Prime Minister’s statement
Which is the most intimate expression?
Lyrical poetry
Short stories
Which is TRUE about ‘The history of translation’?
The history of translation has played an important role in bridging both the linguistic and cultural divide that has long existed between countries.
The history of translation indicates that translation took place as a way of encouraging trade between countries and a way of spreading messages about religious beliefs and ideas formulated by early philosophers, academics, and thinkers.
The history of translation indicates that translation took place as a way of encouraging trade between countries and a way of spreading messages in business.
The history of translation indicates that translation took place as a way of encouraging trade between countries and a way of spreading messages in politics.
Which one below doesn’t have characteristic format of technical translation?
check_box An article about showbiz
Which one below has characteristic format of technical translation?
check_box Manuals
Which one below is an example of translation shifts?
flower=> hoa
honey=>mật ong
shark => cá mập
shark => kẻ cho vay nặng lãi
Which one below is naturalization?
Bàn đạp
Chuột túi
Gấu trúc
Which one below is NOT an example of through-translation?
black market=> chợ đen
European Union =>Liên Hiệp Châu Âu
It is borrowing technique to deal with terminology
Market => thị trường
science-fiction => khoa học viễn tưởng
Which one below is not social culture terms?
Which one below may contain problems when translating technical texts?
check_box Unfamiliar apparently transparent words with Greek or Latin morphemes
It’s boring
The repetition of one grammar structure
The repetition of word
Which one below may contain problems when translating technical texts?
check_box Words of the type semi-empty words
Regional words
The repetition of one grammar structure
Which one below should be transferred?
A metaphor
A noun phrase
An exclamation
Name of a movie star
Which one below should NOT be transferred?
Name of a magazine
Name of an international organization
Name of country
The sub-title of a book
Which one is verbless clause in the sentence below? “Surprised at my reaction, she tried to console me, but I couldn't get better.”
check_box Surprised at my reaction
but I couldn't get better
she tried to console me
Surprised at my reaction, she tried to console me, but I couldn't get better
Which SL has the use of full stop like in the given sentence? “like so.”
American English
British English
Which thing below that drama translator can do?
check_box No explain puns
Explain cultural references
Gloss ambiguities
transcribe words for the sake of local colour
Which thing makes literal translation go beyond one-to-one translation?
culture equivalents
literal equivalents
Which translation level does the translator need to use grammar and lexis naturally?
The cohesive level
The naturalness level
The referential level
The textual level
Which translation level does the translator needs to summarize in crude lay terms, to simplify at the risk of over-simplification, to pierce the jargon, to penetrate the fog of words?
The cohesive level
The naturalness level
The referential level
The textual level
Which translation level follows both the structure and the moods of the text?
The cohesive level
The naturalness level
The referential level
The textual level
Which translation level that the translator mentally sorts out the text?
The cohesive level
The naturalness level
The referential level
The textual level
Which translation methods that fulfil the main aims of translation?
Idiomatic translation and Faithful translation
semantic and communicative translation
semantic translation and free translation
Word-for-word translation and adaptation
Which translation procedure concerned with grammar?
Cultural equivalence
Descriptive equivalence
Functional equivalence
Which type of text below is the second most difficult literary form?
check_box Short story
Science research
Which type of text below the importance of word is greatest?
check_box Poetry
Science research
Short story
Which type of text of which cohesion is closer?
dialogue and speech
short story
Which type of word that we have to focus on when translating descriptive
adverbs, adjectives, nouns
descriptive verbs, adjectives, nouns
emotional verbs, adjectives, adverbs
linking verbs, adjectives, adjectival
Which word below is not cultural term relating to clothes?
Bohemian skirt
Why are some words relating to foods transferred?
Their diffusion depends on the importance of their country of origin as well as their degree of specificity.
They are unique.
They show their ranking.
To show their professional level
Why do many theorists believe that everything is translatable, and linguistic difficulties do not exist?
It is a process of explanation
It is a transformation of words
It is more a process of explanation, interpretation and reformulation of ideas than a transformation of words; that the role of language is secondary, it is merely a vector or carrier of thoughts.
It transfers thoughts.
Why do rhetorical questions frequently be translated into statements?
to generalize ideas
to generalize ideas, then to introduce a new subject.
to introduce a new subject.
to summarize an argument, or to introduce a fresh subject
Why do translators come back to literal translation?
because one has got used to the sound of what at first seemed so strange and unnatural
because there is no equivalent in TL
it helps transfer the message of SL
it’s the best translation method
Why do we need aesthetic function?
This is a language designed to apply metaphors.
This is a language designed to describe imagined sound.
This is a language designed to please the senses.
This is a language designed to the descript actual sound.
Why does critic compare the translation with the original?
check_box To consider how the translator has solved the particular problems of the SL text.
To identify if there is something missing
To identify the how exact the meaning of key words or key terms
To see how the punctuations are transferred
Why does Newmark advice translators do not discuss the author's life, other works, or general background?
check_box they affect how translators appreciate or assess the translation
they don’t help translators to understand the text
they make translators forget the intension of author
they make translators forget the intension of the SL text
Why is componential analysis (CA) used when dealing with synonyms?
check_box To differentiate SL synonyms in context
To choose one of them
To identify the function of each word
To know when can explicit them
Why may the original SL writer use a descriptive term for a technical object?
check_box the descriptive term is being used to make a contrast with another one
it's mandatory
to emphasize the object
to show professional
Why question tags appear in a sentence?
to check information
to keep a flagging conversation going
to repeat the previous information
to show that the information is not new
Why short story translation is easier than only poetry translation?
check_box Since the line is no longer a unit of meaning, translated version is likely to be somewhat longer than the original
Since most sentences are full completed ones
Since there are less metaphor than in poem
Since translator can do free translation
Why should translator transferred ecological terms?
Their familiarity is a function of the importance and geographical or political proximity of their countries.
They are a part of SL country.
They are unique.
They makes style of the text.
Why should we use back-translation test?
To check grammar
To check meaning of single word
To check words order
To identify the validity of literal translation
Why translator has to read the original text before translating it?
The translator reads the original for two purposes: first, to understand what it is about; second, to analyze it from a 'translator's’ point of view.
The translator reads the original to identify all difficult words before translating.
The translator reads the original to identify the tone of the text and field of text.
The translator reads the original to identify the tone of the text.
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