“Although” ….
makes an additional point
indicates cause and effect
makes a generalization
introduces a contrast
“As a result” refers to …..
a generalization
additional point
cause and effect
a contrast
“Consequently” …..
makes a generalization
makes an additional point
introduces a contrast
indicates cause and effect
“Furthermore” ……..
makes a generalization
introduces a contrast
makes an additional point
indicates cause and effect
“However” …..
makes a generalization
indicates cause and effect
introduces a contrast
makes an additional point
“On the whole”….
introduces a contrast
makes a generalization
makes an additional point
indicates cause and effect
…………, women are more attracted by spa holidays than men.
As a result
On the whole
……cultural tourism attractions are part of our marketing mix, some of them don’t generate much money.
As a result
On the whole
A hotel manager needs to …………administrative work everyday
A hotel manager needs to make …. decisions
check_box All of these above
Action plan, resource pack, brochure and interactive displays are impotant in ……..
Cultural tours
Planning and exhibition
Taking part in meetings
As a reponsible travel organization, we undertake……
All of these above
to reduce
Ask open qu…. that the other person can’t answer yes or no
check_box questions
Avi tourism is a ……….
None of these above
Photography tour
Cooking tour
Birdwatching tour
Cultural visitors spend almost twice as much as city-break visiotors. …………, many overseas visitors cite “history/culture” as a motivation for visiting our country.
As a result
On the whole
Culture consists of ….
ways of thinking
All of these above
Culture refers to heritage of a nation like ….
All of these above
Cut into the bone means…
check_box Reduce to a minimum
In the near future
Slow down
For almost nothing
details/ you/ the/I/ all/if/ mind/ check/ again/ do?
check_box Do you mind if I check all the details again?
If I check all the details again do you mind?
If you do mind I check all the details again?
Do you mind I check if the details again?
Example of Verb + infinitive is …..
All of these above
For top quality dental treatment, we recommend …….
to go
All of these above
Have something interesting to say. If you know what is happening in the news, you have a …. to start a conversation
check_box opportunity
His clothes were ……. for a waiter. He wore jeans and a not very clean T-shirt
check_box inappropriate
Hotel managers usually ……….. the daily staff briefing
go to
How are business travellers different from ordinary travelers?
check_box All of these above
Check-in procedures
Class of travel
Cost factors
I am getting used to …..
A % B
to trevel to the jungle
travel to the jungle
traveling to the jungle
I appreciate ……..
Your help
Your helping me and your help
You help me
Your helping me
I’ll give her your message.= I’ll ………. your messasge
check_box pass on
get back
get through
put you through
I’m trying to put you through means….
check_box I’m trying to connect you now
I’ll give her your message
I’ll contact you again soon
One moment, please
If you are a hotel manager, you need to ..…
All of these above
be energetic
have excellent business sense
be quick-thinking
Imagine ……… out under the stars in the Sahara Desert
All of these above
to sleep
In a meeting:-Let’s make a start, shall we?- ……………………
The aim of the meeting is to duscuss …
Is there any other business?
Do I take it we are all in agreement?
What do you think about it?
In our country, it is ………… to address older people by their first name
check_box impolite
In the morning, the hotel manager …………breakfast arrangements
In this tour, you can contribute to the community.
Photography tour
Cooking tour
In this tour, you can experiment with new recipes
It’s been a long day, …….?
check_box hasn’t it?
didn’t it?
isn’t is?
will it?
L…. more than you talk. Look the other person in the eye- don’t look around the room.
check_box Listen
Look! ………… I have a busy day tomorrow.
check_box I’m afraid I have to fo
I will go now
Why don’t we go
Let’s go
Make sure that the people who call the customers are polite and unaggressive. What type of getting feedback is it?
check_box phone survey
feedback on the website
direct questions
focus group
Mass tourism …………
All of these above
Is for large tourist reorts
Is for big number of tourists
Have low profit margin
Mass tourism is ……
None of these above
For 200 tourists
For about 12 tourists
Mass tourists often stay in ….
International hotel chain and Larger tourist resorts
International hotel chain
Larger tourist resorts
me/ credit/is/ you/ could/ what/ card/ tell/ number/ your?
check_box Could you tell me what your credit card number is?
Could you tell me your credit card what number is?
Could you tell me what is your credit card numer?
Could you tell me what is credit card your number?
My battery is nearly flat = My battery has ……..
check_box run out
passed on
looked into
got through
Niche tourism …………………..
Is for small businesses
Is for small group of tourists
All of these above
Have high profit margin
Niche tourism is …….
For large tourist resorts
For low spenders
For high spenders
So, that was an interesting talk, ….?
check_box wasn’t it?
didn’t it?
isn’t it?
hasn’t it?
Some examples of Verb + ing are…
Take risk
Consider and take risk
The atmosphere was ……………. The reception didn’t smile or speak to me when I walked past and nobody offered to help me with my bags
check_box unwelcoming
The museum staff are still on strike. …………., we have had to cancel all visits.
As a result
On the whole
The staff are hard-working and highly ……
Their primary motive is visiting a cultural destination and the result is intense experience about history and cultural heritage. They are …..
Purposeful tourists
Chance discovery cultural tourists
Sightseeing cultural tourists
Casual cultural tourists
There are ………main types of cultural touirsts
There is a strong ……. aspect of running a hotel
They have no cultural reason when visiting a destination but feel excited by culture and have intense cultural experience.
Purposeful tourists
Chance discovery cultural tourists
Sightseeing cultural tourists
Casual cultural tourists
They have no cultural reasons even visit some cultural sites. They don’t understand or appreciate these sites. They are …….
Sightseeing cultural tourists
Chance discovery cultural tourists
Casual cultural tourists
Incidental cultural tourist
They visit a destination for a cultural reason but has general interest in it. They are ……….
Purposeful tourists
Sightseeing cultural tourists
Chance discovery cultural tourists
Casual cultural tourists
They visit cultural attractions but have weak interest in travel and prefer other pursuits. They are ….
Casual cultural tourists
Purposeful tourists
Sightseeing cultural tourists
Chance discovery cultural tourists
This tour helps you to find your family history
To check everyone agrees, you say: …………..
The first item on the agenda is …
Do we all agree? and Is that decided then?
Do we all agree?
Is that decided then?
To conclude the meeting, you say………………
All of these above
I think we’ve covereded verything
So to sum up
Is there any other business?
To introduce another topic, you say: “……”
The aim of the meeting is ..
Can we move on to …?
The first item on the agenda is …
Do we all agree?
Type of cultural tourists depend on …
The result of their visit
Their purpose
Their purpose & The result of their visit
Their money
What do you say to strike a conversation?
check_box I don’t think we’ve met before & We haven’t been introduced
We haven’t been introduced
I don’t think we’ve met before
It’s been a long day, isn’t it?
What does a hotel inspector check ?
Room serive
All of these above
What does a hotel inspector check ?
All of these above
Reception area
What is a good way to reward employees?
check_box Experience
What is good about “Focus group”?
check_box All of these above
It makes customers feel part of the team
Information can be detailed
Hotel can obtain good qualitative date
What is the special feature of culinary tour?
You can see animal in their natural environment
You can learn with top class chef
None of these above
You can see the earth
What is the special feature of extreme tour?
You can learn with top class chef
You can see the earth
You can go to the Arctic
You can see animal in their natural environment
What is the special feature of genealogy tour?
You can learn with top class chef
You can go to the Arctic
You can see animal in their natural environment
You may discover your ancestral homeland where you don’t speak the language
What is the special feature of slum tour?
You can contribute to the community
You can dive under the ice
You can see animals in the naural habitats
You can get used to being weithless in the space
When a hotel inspector checks the restaurants, he makes sure …….
Clean cutlery and plates
Asked if customers enjoyed the meals
Speed of service
All of these above
When a hotel inspector checks the rooms, he makes sure …….
Staff offers help with luggage
Rooms are clean and tidy
Rooms are clean and tidy & Erything is in place
Erything is in place
When a hotel inspector checks the staff, he makes sure …….
They are polite
They are polite & They are friendly
They are friendly
Clean and tidy
When inspecting …….., they must be clean and tidy with en-suite facilities and everything is in place
Reception area
When inspecting …….., they must be polite, friendly and use name of guests
Reception area
When making a presentation, you should ….
check_box Greet the audience & Speak clearly
Read from script
Speak clearly
Greet the audience
When making a presentation, you shouldn’t …..
All of these above
Use small font
Stand in front of screen
Use lots of colours
When making small talk, ………… people to each other. Make an effort to remember names and use them
check_box introduce
shake hands
When making small talk, offer your ………….. so that the other person doesn’t have to remember it
check_box card
key card
Who usually sits in the front row?
check_box All of these above
Business travelers
Sales representatives
Why do many tourists like Niche tourism?
It is cheap
You can have friends of same interests
It is not crowded and You can have friends of same interests
It is not crowded
Why does business travel decrease?
check_box Cuts in travel budget & Restrictive company policies
Limited overnight stays
Cuts in travel budget
Restrictive company policies
Why does business travel increae?
check_box Economy picked up & Company no longer chase cost
Restrictive company policies
Economy picked up
Company no longer chase cost
Why is “customer is always right”?
check_box All of these above
They make business for your hotel
It is good business ethics
It sets as standard for the staff
Why should you smile while you are talking with customers?
check_box All of these above
It raises your voice
It makes your sound friendly
It makes your sound warmer
You act as one of a group of customers with special needs, such as a person in a wheelchair or someone whose first language is not English and see how you are treated. What type of getting feedback is it?
check_box Mystery guest audit
Staff interaction
Phone survey
Direct questions
You can dive under the ice in this tour.
You can see the animals in their natural environment.
Cooking tour
You can view the plane from a distance of 300 km.
Cooking tour
You use this type of getting feedback because there can be a great difference between what we think people want and what people really want
check_box Direct questions
Focus group
Feedback on the website
Staff interaction
You/in/would/ filling/ me/ this/ for/ mind/ form?
check_box Would you mind filling in this form for me?
Would you filling in this mind form for me?
Filling in this form for me would you mind?
Would you mind filling for me in this form?
Môn học xem nhiều nhất
- list IT10 Hệ quản trị CSDL
- list EG20 Nguyên lý Thống kê về kinh tế
- list EG09.3 Anh văn III
- list EG28 Thị trường chứng khoán
- list EG09.1 Tiếng Anh cơ bản 1
- list EG23 Quản trị kinh doanh
- list EG12 Tin học đại cương
- list EG22 Phân tích hoạt động kinh doanh
- list EG10.3 Đại số tuyến tính
- list EG44 Chủ nghĩa xã hội khoa học
- list EN15 Lịch sử phát triển tiếng Anh
- list EN10 Ngữ âm lý thuyết
- list IT14 Thiết kế Web
- list EN23 Nói 2
- list EG43 Kinh tế chính trị Mác - Lênin
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